The Latest Comments block displays the most recent comments readers have left on your blog, including the users and blog posts. This block is useful to show the recent activities and ongoing discussion on your blog.

Additional options for this block include to display the commenter’s avatar, comment date, and comment excerpt. Read the Block settings section to learn more about this.

It can be added to any template, template part, page, and widget area. Click the block inserter icon (+) to open the block inserter pop-up window and choose the Latest Comments block.
You can also use the keyboard shortcut /latest-comments to quickly insert a Latest Comments block.

Detailed instructions on adding blocks
Block toolbar
Every block has unique toolbar icons and blocks specific user controls that allow you to manipulate the block right in the editor.The Latest Comments block shows the following buttons:

To view the block toolbar, click on the block, and the toolbar will be displayed.
Transform to
When you click the Transform button, you can convert the Latest Comments block into another block type using the existing content.You can transform the Latest Comments block into Columns or Group blocks.

Block-moving tools

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Latest Comments block and reposition it anywhere on the editor. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.
Get more information about moving a block within the editor.
Change alignment

Use the Align button to change the Latest Comments block’s position inside the block editor. Choose one of the following block alignment options:
- None – the default option.
- Wide width – increase the width of the block beyond the content size.
- Full width – extend the block to cover the full width of the screen.
- Align left – make the block left-aligned.
- Align center – make the block alignment centered.
- Align right – make the block right-aligned.
The “Wide width” and “Full width” alignment settings must be enabled by your WordPress theme.
The Options button on a block toolbar gives you more features to customize the block.
Read about these and other settings.
Block settings
The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the Settings button next to the Publish button.

Latest comments settings
The Latest Comments settings let you to choose whether to display the avatar, the date, and/or the excerpt. They are all on by default. You may also adjust the number of comments to display within the block by using the slider tool or inserting the number in the available field.

The Latest Comments block provides dimension settings options to change padding and margin size.
Dimensions settings can be accessed by opening the Styles section.

For details, refer to this support article: Dimensions Settings Overview.
The advanced tab lets you add a CSS class to your block, allowing you to write custom CSS and style the block as you see fit.

- Updated 2023-04-11
- Screenshots for 6.2
- Revised formatting
- Added Dimensions settings support
- Updates 2022-11-27
- Removed redadunt content
- Aligned images for mobile view
- Updated 2022-11-08
- Screenshots for 6.1
- Updated 2022-08-01
- Screenshots for 6.0
- Added transform and block moving tools info
- Added ALT tags for the images
- Updated 2022-07-27
- Screenshots as per WordPress 5.9
- Created 2019-03-07